Did you encourage other subcontractors to cut corners? ألم تشجع مقاولي الباطن الآخرين على التَقلِيل من الجودة؟
SCRlBBLlNG] Bishop Fisher survived only because he ate so little of the soup. الأسقَف "فيشر" نجَا لأنَه تَناول القلِيل مِن الحَساء
"A little comfort and mirth with me would be a half health to her. قلِيلاً مِن الرَاحه والمَرح مَعي سيَكِون نِصف الصِحه لهَا
A little ale, perhaps? قلِيلاً مِن المزر، ربمَا؟
If Your Majesty were to turn a blind eye to the offence, everyone would be forced to assume that the attempted murders were done with your blessing. الأن، إذا كَان فخَامتُك يغَض النَظر عَن إمَور قلِيله سَيجبر الجمَيع علَى إعتِبار فخَامتِك مَوافِق علَى محاولَة القَتل