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afield معنى

"afield" أمثلة على
الترجمة العربيةجوال إصدار
  • adv.
  • A bit concerned... they claim you wandered somewhat afield of your destination.
    قلقت أنك مطلوب في مجال طريقك
  • Even taking Jews from as far afield as the British Channel Islands.
    حتى أخذ اليهود من مناطق بعيدة كجزر القناة البريطانية
  • You are gonna have afield day.
    نعم ، هذا قد يبدوا كمفاجئ لك
  • So far afield it echoes in another world.
    وكأنها قادمة من العالم الآخر
  • It has purchased locomotives from as far afield as Australia.
    ومنهم من هاجر خارج أرض الوطن كأستراليا.
  • What happens is that Hercules continually has to go further and further afield from Greece.
    ما حدث هو إن هرقل) استمر فى الأبتعاد أكثر وأكثر)
  • And we're beginning to hear of fallout as far afield as Bristol...
    ونحن بدأنا نسمع تداعيات # # هذا الأنفجار النووي # ... (حتى (بريستول #
  • We look farther and farther afield in previously unspoilt territory and in regions that are increasingly difficult to exploit.
    اننا ننظر بعيدا جدا حيث الأراضي العذراء في المناطق اللتي تزداد صعوبة استغلالها
  • Oh, well, maybe I can make it up to them with afield trip... to go visit Chief Wampum and his bar-dancing waitresses.
    ربما أقوم بتعويضهم برحلة ميدانية للذهاب لرؤئة الزعيم " وامبام " وجارياته الراقصات
  • We were just lads, me and Sean, never been much further afield than the bitter land our father worked, God rest him.
    لمْ نبتعدُ أبًدا كتلك المسافة وبعدها أتت تلك الواقعة المريرة بعملِنا، والدي وافتهُ المنية
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2  3
تعريف الإنجليزية
  • off the subject; beyond the point at issue; "such digressions can lead us too far afield"

  • in or into a field (especially a field of battle); "the armies were afield, challenging the enemy''s advance"; "unlawful to carry hunting rifles afield until the season opens"

  • far away from home or one''s usual surroundings; "looking afield for new lands to conquer"- R.A.Hall
    مرادفات: abroad, abroad,

  • off the subject; beyond the point at issue; "such digressions can lead us too far afield"

  • in or into a field (especially a field of battle); "the armies were afield, challenging the enemy''s advance"; "unlawful to carry hunting rifles afield until the season opens"

  • far away from home or one''s usual surroundings; "looking afield for new lands to conquer"- R.A.Hall
    مرادفات: abroad, abroad,